Wednesday, July 31, 2019

My Most Prized Possession

The segregation that many young African-Americans experience causes them undue stress which has been proven to undermine cognitive development. Even African-Americans from poor inner-cities that do attend universities continue to suffer academically due to the stress they suffer from having family and friends still in the poverty stricken inner cities. Education is also used as a means to perpetuate hyper segregation. Real estate agents often implicitly use school racial composition as a way of enticing white buyers into the segregated ring surrounding the inner-city. The percentage of black children who now go to integrated public schools is at its lowest level since 1968. The words of â€Å"American apartheid† have been used in reference to the disparity between white and black schools in America. Those who compare this inequality to apartheid frequently point to unequal funding for predominantly black schools. With this in mind in the 1950s the blacks had no rights to say that they can have the great equipment that the white children are using. This thought then leaded away many black children from the world of knowledge and mainly meant that they have to take care of there families because of the state of poverty most of them were in. African Americans in the 1950s were considered to be racially segregated because of all five dimensions of segregation being applied to them within these inner cities across America. These five dimensions are evenness, clustering, exposure, centralization and concentration. Evenness is the difference between the percentages of a minority in a particular part of a city, compared to the city as a whole. Exposure is the likelihood that a minority and a majority party will come in contact with one another. This dimension shows the exposure to other diversity groups while sharing the same neighborhoods. Clustering is the gathering of different minority groups into one certain space; clustering often leads to one big ghetto and the formation of hyper ghettoization. Centralization is the number of people within a minority group that is located in the middle of an urban area, often looked at as a percentage of a minority group living in the middle of a city compared with the rest of their group living elsewhere. Concentration is the dimension that relates to the actual amount of land a minority lives on within its particular city. The higher segregation is within that particular area, the smaller the amount of land a minority group will control. In the 1950s African Americans who were within inner cities had to face all five demensions. Poorer inner-cities in the 1950s often lacked the health care that is available in outside areas. That many inner-cities were so isolated from other parts of society also is a large contributor to the poor health that were often found in inner-city residents. The overcrowded living conditions in the inner-city caused by hyper segregation means that the spread of infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, occurs much more frequently. This is known as â€Å"epidemic injustice† because racial groups confined in a certain area are affected much more often than those living outside the given area. Poor inner-city residents also must contend with other factors that negatively effect health. Research was proven that in every major American city, hyper segregated blacks are far more likely to be exposed to dangerous levels of air toxins. Daily exposure to this polluted air means that African-Americans living in the areas they use to in the 1950s`were at greater risk of disease. In the 1950s the blacks wanted to bring about change basically because the rights were just not fair to them and that they were tired of getting treated this way. Following the reason why blacks wanted change there were the attempts that they use to try to bring about this change. First of all there were sit-ins. the â€Å"sit-in† technique was not new—as far back as 1939, African-American attorney Samuel Wilbert Tucker organized a sit-in at the then-segregated Alexandria, Virginia library. In 1960 the technique succeeded in bringing national attention to the movement. The success of the Greensboro sit-in led to a rash of student campaigns throughout the South. Probably the best organized, most highly disciplined, the most immediately effective of these was in Nashville, Tennessee. On March 9, 1960 an Atlanta University Center group of students released An Appeal for Human Rights as a full page advertisement in newspapers, including the Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta Journal, and Atlanta Daily World. This student group, known as the Committee on the Appeal for Human Rights (COAHR), initiated the Atlanta Student Movement and began to lead in Atlanta with Sit-ins starting on March 15, 1960. By the end of 1960, the sit-ins had spread to every southern and border state and even to Nevada, Illinois, and Ohio. Demonstrators focused not only on lunch counters but also on parks, beaches, libraries, theaters, museums, and other public places. Upon being arrested, student demonstrators made â€Å"jail-no-bail† pledges, to call attention to their cause and to reverse the cost of protest, thereby saddling their jailers with the financial burden of prison space and food. In April, 1960 activists who had led these sit-ins held a conference at Shaw University in Raleigh, North Carolina that led to the formation of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). SNCC took these tactics of nonviolent confrontation further, to the freedom rides. Freedom Rides were journeys by Civil Rights activists on interstate buses into the segregated southern United States to test the United States Supreme Court decision Boynton v. Virginia, (1960) 364 U. S. that ended segregation for passengers engaged in inter-state travel. Organized by CORE, the first Freedom Ride of the 1960s left Washington D.  C. on May 4, 1961, and was scheduled to arrive in New Orleans on May 17. During the first and subsequent Freedom Rides, activists traveled through the Deep South to integrate seating patterns and desegregate bus terminals, including restrooms and water fountains. That proved to be a dangerous mission. In Anniston, Alabama, one bus was firebombed, forcing its passengers to flee for their lives. In Birmingham, Alabama, an FBI informant reported that Public Safety Commissioner Eugene â€Å"Bull† Connor gave Ku Klux Klan members fifteen minutes to attack an incoming group of freedom riders before having police â€Å"protect† them. The riders were severely beaten â€Å"until it looked like a bulldog had got a hold of them. † James Peck, a white activist, was beaten so hard he required fifty stitches to his head. After the Freedom Rides, local black leaders in Mississippi such as Amzie Moore, Aaron Henry, Medgar Evers, and others asked SNCC to help register black voters and to build community organizations that could win a share of political power in the state. Since Mississippi ratified its constitution in 1890, with provisions such as poll taxes, residency requirements, and literacy tests, it made registration more complicated and stripped blacks from the polls. After so many years, the intent to stop blacks from voting had become part of the culture of white supremacy. In the fall of 1961, SNCC organizer Robert Moses began the first such project in McComb and the surrounding counties in the Southwest corner of the state. Their efforts were met with violent repression from state and local lawmen, White Citizens' Council, and Ku Klux Klan resulting in beatings, hundreds of arrests and the murder of voting activist Herbert Lee. White opposition to black voter registration was so intense in Mississippi that Freedom Movement activists concluded that all of the state's civil rights organizations had to unite in a coordinated effort to have any chance of success. In February 1962, representatives of SNCC, CORE, and the NAACP formed the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO). At a subsequent meeting in August, SCLC became part of COFO.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Alternative Medicine and Unit Learning Outcome Essay

It is important to have a holistic approach to managing pain and discomfort by looking at the situation as a whole. Not just the physical side but also the mental, emotional, spiritual and social needs. Conventional medicine, alternative and complementary therapies can be used as options to relieve pain and other symptoms if desired. The care plan has been made with information which supports their lifestyle and culture. The purpose is to bring comfort, dignity and peace to the clients as well as support to their family members. 11. 2Describe different approaches to alleviate pain and minimise discomfort Answer Use drugs such as paracetamol, morphine, and ibuprofen. Use physical methods like hot water bottle, massage, cooling with ice, repositioning. Exercise methods such as walking around or taking other exercises, having a chat or doing something else to distract from pain. Alternative therapies such as aromatherapy, homeopathic medicine, reflexology, acupuncture, yoga – these therapies should be used only where care professional agrees with the beneficial effects. 11. 3Outline agreed ways of working that relate to man-aging pain and discomfort Answer Before using any of the methods to manage pain, the client needs to be assessed, as every kind of pain relief can be harmful, care plan and policies and procedures always have to be followed and necessary precautions have to be taken. 22. 1Describe how pain and discomfort may affect an individual’s wellbeing and communication Answer 22. 2Encourage an individual to express feelings of dis-comfort or pain Answer 22. 3Encourage an individual to use self-help methods of pain control Answer 22. 4Assist an individual to be positioned safely and com-fortably Answer 22. 5Carry out agreed measures to alleviate pain and discomfort Answer 33. 1Carry out required monitoring activities relating to management of an individual’s pain or discomfort Answer 33. 2Complete records in required ways Answer 33. 3Report findings and concerns as required Answer The above is an accurate record of the questioning. Learner signature:Date: Assessor signature:Date:

Monday, July 29, 2019

Negative side of Iraq War

There has been great controversy involved with the Iraq war. This article shall analyze the negative sides of the Iraq war and its detrimental consequences to US, its allies, people of Iraq and the rest of the world.  The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks that destroyed Twin Towers, part of the Pentagon and caused death of over 3000 people was the principal initiating cause of the Iraq war.The attack was seen as attack of a medieval and sectarian ideology of terror on the principles of democracy, justice, liberty, freedom humanity and equality that the Twin Towers and ultimately USA represent. Faced with the challenge of safeguarding these ideals as well as necessity of safeguarding its own national security concerns, USA started waged a war to destroy the axis of terrorism and hatred. In this effort Iraq became the second frontier after liberation of Afghanistan in the campaign to root out axis of terror and evil, restore humanitarian values and justice world over (Teson, 2005) .The course of war over last four yearsUnited States formally declared war on Saddam Hussein’s regime on 20th March, 2003 and within three weeks, on 9th April 2003, the unprecedented strength and force of coalition armies was successful in ending a tyrannical rule that was holding soul and spirit of Iraq in capture over several decades (Aday, Cluverius, Livingston, 2005). However, the end of Saddam Hussein’s regime did not bring end of the war, or the continued presence of allied forces in Iraq. This in itself was the strongest proof that US’s concern in the war ran much beyond merely overthrowing the incumbent tyrannical rule, and that it was fully committed to democracy and peace in Iraq.This commitment to democratic ideals has cost US much more than its first objective of ending former Iraqi government. While it lost only 139 soldiers before the President of United States declared an official end of combat in may 2003, the number of casualties since then has crossed over 3000, and going up even today (Aday, Cluverius, Livingston, 2005, Iraq Coalition Casualties, 2007). Most of these deaths have been due to suicide attacks and rebel attacks by loyalists of the former dictators. Many other have been engineered by al-Queda terror cells in Iraq, that have claimed military along with high number of civilian lives on almost routine basis, creating difficulties in Iraq’s transition to democracy.Consequences of Iraq warWhether seen from economic, ethical, and political point of view or from perspective of human sufferings and causality, Iraq war has spawned a web of troubles and problems that have continued to take their toll on every one involved with the campaign.  The economic costs of Iraq war are huge and involve not just the direct expenditure on US military campaign, but also the cost of war on Iraqi economy, cost of rebuilding Iraqi infrastructure and impact on oil market (Nordhaus, 2002, 55).The initial estimates of cost of Ir aq war were projected anywhere from US $ 100 million to US $ 100 billion, although even that was considered an overestimation (Bilmes and Stiglitz, 2006). Very soon the initial estimates were proved wrong and plans for budgetary allocations showed that even congress was estimating the cost of war to be in excess of $ 500 billion. But even this cost was an under projection of the final cost which, in the final analysis of events, shoots upward a staggering $1.3 trillion (Yglesias, 2006).This includes the cost of insurance, medical help, and disability payment made out to soldiers injured or killed in the Iraq campaign. With government’s valuation of a male in prime age at $ 6 million, as determined by environmental and safety regulations, the total cost from casualties alone goes to $ 12 billion (Bilmes and Stiglitz, 2006).Another critical economic cost suffered emanates from diminished American reputation and prestige in Middle Eastern countries and countries hostile to the c oncept of Iraq war. In these countries American products have lost favor, and American companies no more the first choice to do business with (ibid). As the war has resulted in increase in oil prices, it also threatens to result in increasing prices of various commodities and severely affecting transportation sector, especially the aviation sector where many companies are facing bankruptcy prospects (Bilmes and Stiglitz, 2006).Many analysts have also stated that the money spent in Iraq war might had been better used in strengthening the education and health care system of USA and thus the country has been robbed of benefits worth billion of dollars due to diverted and improvident expenditure on Iraq war (Wilson, 2006)  Another negative consequence of Iraq war is the number of casualties and lives lost during the course of the war. Since the beginning of war US military has suffered 3190 deaths whereas 23758 soldiers have been wounded so far (Griffs, 2007).It is important to see th at these deaths and casualties are not merely figures and statistics. They represent bright, ambitious and young sons, capable to achieve much in their life, and contribute to the US future in a much better way than to be killed or maimed permanently by a roadside bomb, or an ambush (Grigg, 2006). There are thousands of soldiers who, despite escaping death, have been crippled and suffered permanent loss of their limbs, vision, and disfiguration. These losses to life and health cannot be measured in terms of economic costs and they amount to a life time of agony and pain to survivors and their relatives.The war has also resulted in death of around 60,000 civilian deaths in Iraq (Casualties in Iraq war, 2007). Thousands of   Men, women, and children have been killed by suicide attacks, burnt to death in their own home, entire families have been wiped away and thousands of families in Iraq have lost their sole bread earner (Savoy, 2004). Today they are faced with a grim prospect of u ncertain and hard life staring at them.Iraq war has also a deep moral underside. US initiated the war with claims that Iraq possessed large consignments of weapons of mass destruction and with allegations that Iraq had links with al Queda as well was somewhere responsible in September   11. 2001 events (Pfiffner, 2004). However, as it turned out, these reports were completely fictitious and created just in order to give credence to the US case against Iraq (Enemark and Michalesen, 2005).No amount of manipulation of facts and findings could produce any substance to the allegations against Iraq. As a matter of fact, on September 18th, 2003 President Bush surprised many when he admitted that there was no evidence of Iraq’s connection with World Trade Center attacks (Pfiffner, 2004). Even the war in Iraq was no more projected as a war against terror network, but as a war to liberate Iraqi people from tyranny of Saddam Hussein- a claim that was hitherto absent in pre war argumen ts and preparations. These switching of statements greatly damaged US credibility and soured its relations with many important countries such as Germany and France.The road aheadAlthough the USA and coalition countries’ military objective of Iraq war were completed with dethroning, capture and finally execution of Saddam Hussein, their continued presence have not served either the interests of Iraqi population or the interests of coalition military personnel. As the most satisfying argument, it can be stated that Iraq has successfully removed its former tyrannical ruler, and with elections it has achieved at least semblance of a democratic order, its complete transition to democracy is yet incomplete due to intense internal conflicts and complexities. However, the US has suffered a great and completely unnecessary ordeal through this entire episode that may potentially affect its strategic and economic leverage and its worldwide reputation.ReferencesSean A, Cluverius J, and L ivingston S. 2005.   As Goes the Statue, So Goes the War: The Emergence of the Victory Frame in Television Coverage of the Iraq War. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. Volume: 49. Issue: 3. Page Number: 314+Kaufman, Whitley. What's Wrong with Preventive War? the Moral and Legal Basis for the Preventive Use of Force. Ethics ; International Affairs. Volume: 19. Issue: 3.: 2005. Page Number: 23+.Teson, Fernando R ‘Ending Tyranny in Iraq’. ‘Ethics ; International Affairs’ Volume: 19. Issue: 2:Nordhaus, W.D. 2002. War with Iraq-Cost, Consequence and Alternatives. American Academy of Arts and Science.Yglesias, M. 2006.   $1.27 Trillion: The American Prospect. Volume: 17. Issue: 7. Publication Date: July-August 2006. Page Number: 28+.Bilmes, L and Stiglitz, J.E. 2006. The Economic Costs of Iraq War; An appraisal three years after the beginning of the conflict. Accessed on net, 11.03.2007. , J. Jan 7, 2006. Iraq war could cost US over $ 2 billion. The Guardian. Accessed on net 11.03.2007, M. 2007. Casualties in Iraq-The Human Cost of Occupation. Accessed on web 11.03.2007., W.N. January 9, 2006.Bring ‘Em Home! The New American. Volume: 22. Issue:. Page Number: 12+Savoy, P. 2004. The Moral Case against the Iraq War The Nation. Volume: 278. Issue: 21.Page Number: 16:Enemark, C and Michalesen, C. 2005. Just War Doctrine and the Invasion of Iraq.The Australian Journal of Politics and History. Volume: 51. Issue: 4Pfiffner, J.P. 2004. Did President Bush Mislead the Country in His Arguments for War with Iraq? Presidential Studies Quarterly. Volume: 34. Issue: 1. Publication Year: 2004. Page Number: 25+

Criminal justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 16

Criminal justice - Essay Example The judge was hearing two criminal cases when he was accused of bias or prejudice. The functionality of the criminal justice system is subject to the direction of legal provisions and codes of conduct. During the hearing of two criminal cases, the judge made a personal move to investigate some facts in relation to the cases (Judicial Discipline & Disability Commission 1-4). However, both the state and the defense did not ask the judge to do so. As a result, the judge was accused of violating the code of judicial conduct. One of the attorneys in the cases, Beau Allen, also had a complaint against the judge. The complaint was filed before the Judicial Commission in Arkansas. In response, the judge engaged in a retaliatory behavior following the attorney’s complaint. Both the bias/prejudice and retaliation against the attorney warranted disciplinary actions against the judge. The Circuit Court Judge was reprimanded censured (Judicial Discipline & Disability Commission 8). Judges, attorneys, and prosecutors play an important role in the administration of justice. When such people engage in unethical practices or behavior, they jeopardize the essence of a functional, effective, and efficient judicial system. Subsequently, the public is highly likely to lose confidence and trust for the justice framework. In response to unethical behavior in the courtroom, it is important to punish court officers for the violation of judicial codes of conduct. In the context of Judge Gerald Kent Crow, being reprimanded and censured was a good start. However, harsher penalties or punishments need to be instituted because these people understand the law and legal frameworks more than the ordinary civilian does. Whenever a court officer perpetrates unethical behavior, it appears as if the system is failing from within. In this respect, such officers should be relieved off their duties. Performance evaluation is also necessary. It is

Sunday, July 28, 2019

ADULT DEV CASE3 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ADULT DEV CASE3 - Research Paper Example Shreeve (2008) presented literature on educational models that are designed to solicit active participation from learners. The lecture-based learning (LBL) is the conventional method wherein information are conveyed through lecture and objective examinations (Shreeve, 2008). Critics of LBL presented that most students does not exhibit true learning, instead, they are more concerned on passing the objective examinations (Shreeve, 2008). On the other hand, adult-based learning (ABL) serves the purpose of imparting knowledge based on the adult’s need (Shreeve, 2008). Through recognition of the relevance of the topic to their lives, the adult learner can be more diligent in studying (â€Å"Adult Learning†). Another model cited by Shreeve (2008) is the problem-based learning (PBL), wherein the emphasis is on the adults as participants. In this model, the teacher acts as a simple coordinator, while the students are the ones responsible for initiating, diagnosing and concludin g the discussions (Shreeve, 2008). While the three models mentioned mostly dealt with people discussions and lectures, another model has its foundation based on experience. A Professor of Organizational Behavior, David Kolb formed experiential learning theory (ELT) in consideration to the works of renowned theorists Piaget, Dewey, and Lewin (Smith, 2001). ELT highlights the learner’s experience instead of focusing on the instructor (Shreeve, 2008). Another educational model which is relatively new, as described by Shreeve (2008) is Appreciative Inquiry (AI). In this method, a cycle is implemented wherein the learners are entitled to participate in a discussion. This method closely resembles PBL and ELT, the difference is that AI is leaned more on the positive side of every discussion (Shreeve, 2008). It also identifies the past and is more focused on developing potentials. Through examination of all educational models,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Why Do So Many Teenagers Run Away From Home Research Paper

Why Do So Many Teenagers Run Away From Home - Research Paper Example Mother's death or a stepfather's sexual molestation, increased divorce rate, lack of care and attention from the parents etc are some of the other major reasons for the teenage run away from home. Teenage runaway from home results in many social problems. The teenagers who take shelter in the streets often engage in antisocial activities like, robbery, violence etc. Moreover, these teenagers often face sexual exploitation and antisocial elements make use of such teenagers for conducting their missions. This paper briefly analyses the causes and effects of teenage run away from home. Why Do So Many Teenagers Run Away From Home? â€Å"Typically, a runaway is defined as a person under the age of eighteen voluntarily leaves home or another residence and thereby the custody of parents or guardians† (Flowers, 2001, p.3). Even though run away has no uniform definition, we can generally define it as leaving of home by the teenagers without their parent’s permission. Runaways ar e classified into four categories; floaters, runaways, splitters; hard rock freaks Floaters leave home for a shorter period whereas the runaways usually result in long periods of isolation from home. Splitters are the ones who leave their home for pleasure seeking whereas hard rock freaks leave their home permanently having chosen a life of their own (Flowers, 2001, p.4). Earlier, the relationships between the parent and the children were so strong and hence the runaway problems were less. Parent-children relationship has been changed a lot in the current century. It was a divine relationship earlier and became diplomatic at present. The generation gap is growing between the parents and the children. The parental rights now have been transformed as parental responsibilities. Right and responsibility have huge differences. The terms right have much more significance than responsibility. Today’s parents consider their commitments towards their children just like a responsibilit y rather than their right. The transformation of parental responsibility from right to a responsibility has decreased the relationships between the children and parent and subsequently runaway problems started to increase. The parents fail to identify the teenage problems correctly. They have their own personal, professional and social problems and hence failed to spend more time with their children in order to identify their needs. In short, lack of parental care is one of the major reasons of teenage runaways. A relatively high incidence of runaway behaviour may be indicative of family discord. Adolescent runaways believe that their homes were conflictual and intolerable (Rohr, 1997, p.4). Family problem is another major reason for the teenage runaways. The conflicts between the parents often create problems to the development of children. Drug addiction or alcohol addiction of either of the parents may create family problems. In America single parenthood is growing because of the increased divorce rate. A teenager needs the care and attention of both the father and mother and in the absence such love and care, he/she may think in terms of running away from home. In a divorced family the children were forced to stay with either hi/her father or mother, which may result in getting only the half attention he deserves. Mother plays a crucial role in her child’s life. Mothers play the most part in raising the kids. Her role can be three quarters of parenting. Nevertheless, the role they play prior the birth. Nobody can substitute her. She bonded with her kids from the early days of pregnancy to a very late age. She teaches her kids the norms and right behaviours. Father's role is complement to mother's role and yet very important. Father is the person whom the child

Friday, July 26, 2019

Farmer you could look at how crops emerged and transformed societies Essay

Farmer you could look at how crops emerged and transformed societies - Essay Example Eurasia and Mesopotamia have contributed to the bulk of world changing developments in the history of man. The question therefore begs as to why this area was the birthplace of so many of the world’s greatest inventions. Eurasia is located on a temperate zone on the Mediterranean Sea as opposed to other climates such as Africa and the Americas which combine a myriad of different climates. This means that vegetation that would thrive in Eurasia would then be more viable since they are subjected to similarities in climate disease and seasons (Butler). A good example of this is the instance of corn cultivation in Mexico, which did not spread to Peru due to their different climatic conditions. Mesopotamia on the other hand is regarded as the birthplace of agriculture from whence it then spread throughout Eurasia. Mesopotamia is also endowed with favorable climatic conditions that would favor the development of agriculture. The Middle East climate usually consists of cool rainy winters and hot dry summers which made crops adapted by having fast growing and maturing periods due to the short rainy seasons (Lienhard). The plants, which grow that fast usually, are small plants devoid of woody stems that produce cereals in abundance. Mesopotamia also boasts of a variety of self-pollinating crops some of which cannot be found anywhere else on the planet. This means that traits which may be good for farming, will be maintained in the crop since there is no cross pollination (Vasey 97). For instance, the attribute of the cereals and pea pods shattering to distribute their seeds as much as possible is the attribute of some not to do so. This would help people to harvest the non-sha ttering varieties and grow more of them the following season and less of the shattering varieties. The geographical accessibility and good communication of Mesopotamia also meant that new technology could easily and conveniently be

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Homework CH. 8 & CH.9 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Homework CH. 8 & CH.9 - Assignment Example This practice was originally practiced by all Muslims when at war or on a long journey to avoid illicit sex. However, it was found to disenfranchise the women and the children born out of the marriage after the man had left even if he paid all the dowry and penalties of divorce. This is a big deal in Islam because inheritance rights have the capacity to influence ones fate in the now and in the hereafter. The other modern problem between the Shiites and the Sunnis is the practice of medical interventions, which are considered unlawful such as abortion and family planning including newer forms of treating sterility. The Shiites have democratic privileges of choosing a spiritual leader called an ayatollah that has the power to make edicts just like in the papal system. There is also lot mysticism in both religions and the elevation of religious martyrs into sainthood. Both religions have a strong dose in terms of its affinity for liberation of its peoples even endorsing violence as the need arises. They also have many sacred objects and shrines to which their faithful pay pilgrimage. They both believe in sacred intercessors among their faithful who had shown exemplary religious fervor. They are all monotheistic religions. They have the Old Testament (Protestantism), the Torah (Judaism) and the Taurat (Islam). They all believe in a hell and a heaven as well as a judgment day. They all believe in a creator God who rules over the universe. They are all eschatological in nature. He was the senior companion and father-in-law of Prophet Muhammad. He was the first to truly believe in the prophet and led two major successful invasions against other caliphates as well as battles in the name of Islam. He was very influential then and now The social power from the Sunnis came from shared practices and strict adherence to religious practices such as

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Industry and Market Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Industry and Market Analysis - Essay Example (Bieber, Meurer, Surmann & Rassek, 2013) A telephone interview with the General Manager of The Surrey Hotel, a luxurious Manhattan hotel on the Upper East Side, Mr. Shan Kanagasingham, revealed that the hospitality industry is one that has great business opportunity in terms of profit margins. According to him, a lot of investors are fighting to have a ‘piece of the cake’ of the hospitality industry. He says that the pool of consumer demand is bigger now for the hospitality industry than it was a while back. People are more willing to spend money on leisure and entertainment. Business people are also opting for comfortable, luxurious and a first class experience regardless of the amount of money they spend, â€Å"value for money† is what they call it. Mr. Shan says that they can get an average of 500 guests in a day whether it is for boarding purposes, visiting the fitness centre or just having a meal in the restaurants or a business meeting in the conference rooms. He however states that the hospitalit y industry is a very cost conscious business. The most successful hotels are a joint venture from various investors who pull resources together in order to create the best hospitality experience for its consumers. One needs resources such as buildings or premises, a pool and qualified human capital that will facilitate the running of the hotel among other things. According to an interview carried out with the General Manager of New Intercontinental Dallas Mr. Scott Blakeslee, the likely revenue could average to $120.5 billion for the whole industry in the year 2012. The America Hotel and Lodging association has recorded an increase in revenue in the hospitality industry over the years. According to Mr. Blakeslee, there has been an increase in occupancy in the industry and thus makes the industry more profitable than other years. Room occupancy in most cases, is what determines the profit margins. However, he was quick to note that this

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

WK3_Performance Management Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

WK3_Performance Management Paper - Essay Example At the same time, the role of Human Resource Management (HRM) is perceived to be extremely crucial for attaining the increased performance of an organization (Huselid, Jackson and Schuler 171-188). In order to ascertain comprehensive understanding about the performance management, this paper will critically review the selected article â€Å"Technical and Strategic Human Resource Management Effectiveness as Determinants of Firm Performance†. Furthermore, the article will apply the derived understanding from the article in the context of Ford Motor Company (Huselid, Jackson and Schuler 171-188). SUMMARY OF THE ARTICLE The article is primarily based on the learning relating to the performance management system of different firms in the United States. The article also explains the effective Human Resource Practices that can be utilized for delivering effective performance management practices. It predominately propagates the combination of various strategic HR practices that can p rovide great aid in determining and achievement of the broad objectives of a business. Furthermore, this article highlights the importance and broad functions of technical along with strategic HRM effectiveness. This article critically reveals the relation between effectiveness of HRM and a firm’s performance. ... COMPARISION OF THE COMPONENTS IDENTIFIED WITH FORD MOTOR COMPANY’S PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The critical review of the selected article broadly propagated the role of strategic HRM in enhancing the performance of an organization. Additionally, it has been ascertained that the strategic HRM within an organization facilitates in embedding the organizational strategies and policies with HR strategies which ultimately contributes towards increasing the overall performance of the organization. The comparison of the performance management processes as identified in the selected article with Ford Motor Company reveal that there persists certain differences within the Ford Motor Company in their current practice. Essentially, Ford Motor Company believes in maintaining all round transparency regarding the expectations of the company from its employees and further seeks to attain reliable commitment of employees towards the accomplishment of the organizational goals and objectives. On the contrary, the selected article firmly emphasized that the US organizations largely relies upon creating broad strategic HRM practices so as to ensure proper performance management of the employees as well as the organization. Ford Motor Company is also working upon various plans to incorporate new and improved performance management strategies in the future. In contrast the selected article showed that the US organizations primarily believed on statistical analysis and processes as well as on various feedback collection methods on order to measure outcome generated from performance management activities. Nonetheless, it can be argued that the performance management techniques followed by Ford Motor

Marine conservation Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marine conservation - Article Example The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has defined the Marine Protected Areas as; â€Å"Any area of inter tidal or sub tidal terrain, together with its overlying water and associated flora, fauna, historical and cultural features, which has been reserved by law or other effective means to protect part or all of the enclosed environment†. IUCN has identified six categories of protected area, applicable to the marine environment. Devon Sea Fisheries Committee and English Nature, which is a government body that advocates the safety of wild life and geology of England, proposed the marine conservation of Lundy Island. Lundy has also been selected as a European Special Area of Conservation because of some of its habitats and species like Reefs, Sub-tidal sandbanks, Sea Caves and Grey seals. Lundy reefs are the habitats of rare varieties of solitary cup corals, sea fans and sponges. English Nature (earlier known by the name of Nature Conservancy Council), Devon Sea Fisheries Committee, the National Trust, and the Landmark Trust collectively manage LMNR. There are groups other than English Nature and Devon Sea Fisheries Committee safeguarding the No Take Zone. They are local fishermen and Lundy Management and Advisory groups (EN/03/03 27 January 2003). Earlier, the Lundy Field Society (LFS), a branch of Devon Bird Watching and Preservation Society (DBW&PS), was established in 1946 at the insistence of its owner, Martin Coles Harman, due to increased interest in ornithology initiated by Leslie Harvey – a lecturer in zoology. LFS took keen interest in the marine biology as well as archaeology and geology of the island. Lundy was sold to the National Trust in 1969 and the National Trust leased the Lundy Island to the Landmark Trust (Chris Webster). In 1973, the Lundy waters became the UK’S first voluntary marine nature reserve. (Robert Irving, The Lundy Marine Nature Reserve) In 1981, the Wildlife & Countryside Act was passed to propose

Monday, July 22, 2019

Melon Queen Essay Example for Free

Melon Queen Essay I mention this being out of character for her because, although she is a pretty girl, she has never been the pageant type. Going into her senior year of high school, she was the only girl in her class still participating in three sports: volleyball, track, and basketball. She has never been afraid of dirt or sweat, just not the pageant type. In the months leading up to the contest she and her fellow contestants attended weekly classes with the past years queen in order to learn the ways of royalty. This includes smiling, walking, waving, talking, and dressing. She would show her mother and I what she had learned almost daily and she was getting quite good. As I mentioned before she is not the pageant type and hoped that she would be heartbroken after the contest. The summer went quickly and the festival was upon us. The time had come to put on a suit and tie and escort my beautiful daughter to the stage, where in front of a thousand people she would walk the runway and answer a difficult question concerning what she would do with $100,000,000. The contestants would be judged by four representatives from different festivals across Ohio. Ten girls were involved in the competition. I thought again how I hoped my daughter would receive a place and avert a broken heart. My wife and I sat in the front row. We watched and waited while the judges deliberated somewhere out of sight. This process seemed to take forever. When actually, after fifteen minutes, the judges came back with their decision. We held our breath as the MC took the envelopes and all ten girls held hands. The first announcement was that of Miss Congeniality. Everyone got quiet and my daughters name was called. A feeling of relief and joy came over me. She would not go home empty handed, she had not just won an award, she won the award chosen by her peers. That was something to be proud of. The MC then announced the runners up. Fourth, third, second, first then the moment of truth, who would be queen? Then I heard one of the most memorable things of my life, â€Å"The 2007-2008 Milan Melon Festival Queen is Amanda Richards! † My daughter had won. I actually thought I was going to faint. Everyone was jumping, cheering, and yelling. The whole extended family surrounded us laughing, crying, and hugging. As I looked up at my daughter and she looked back at me holding her roses and her two trophies in her arms, the smile on her face will be locked in my memory forever. The next year was filled to the brim with our travels around the state of Ohio with a giant slice of melon in tow. Attending festivals from Circleville to Geneva on the lake, and 26 others in between. The whole experience took us to places in Ohio I’ve never heard of and probably would never had visited had it not been for my daughters â€Å"seemingly out of character† decision to run for Melon festival Queen.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Integumentary System Essay Functions and Maintenance

Integumentary System Essay Functions and Maintenance The integumentary system is made up of skin, hair, nails, and glands. It is the most visible organ system and one of the most complex. The integumentary system protects the body from the outside world and harmful substances. The word integument means a covering, and the skin of an organ, an average adult covers well over 3000 square inches of surface area of the body. The skin weighs about six pounds which is nearly twice the weight of the brain or liver. It receives approximately one third of all the blood circulating through the body. It participates in the dissipation of water through sweating and helps regulate our body temperatures. The functions of the integumentary system are sensation, protection, thermoregulation, and secretion. In sensation receptor sites in the skin detect changes in the eternal environment for temperature and pressure. Temperature receptors produce the sensations of hot and cold. Pressure receptor sites allow us to interpret excessive pressure that results in the sensation of pain when we get pinched. Protection of the skin is an elastic resistant covering. It prevents passage of harmful physical and chemical agents. The melanin produced by the melanocytes in the stratum germinatium protects us from the damaging ultraviolet rays of sunlight. Keratin, in abundance in this outer layer, waterproofs the body. Without it handling household chemicals, swimming in pool, or taking a shower would be disastrous to the underlying cells of the body. Excessive evaporation or loss of body fluids would result in dehydration and eventual death. Sebum serves a further protective function by keeping the skin and hair moist; dry skin would crack, allowing viruses and bacteria to enter. Even though the skin forms a protective barrier, it is still slightly permeable or allow certain substances to pass through it. Vitamins A,D,E, and K all pass through the skin and are absorbed in the capillaries of the dermis. Nails protect the exposed tips of fingers and toes from physical injury. Fingernails also, aid the fingers in picking up small objects. The hair protects the scalp from damaging ultraviolet radiation from the skin, cushions the head from physical blows and insulates the scalp to a degree. The protection afforded by melanin, however, is limited. Prolonged or excessive exposure to UV radiation eventually damages the skin. In thermoregulation the normal body temperature is maintained at approximately 98.6 F (37C). The heat regulating functions of the body are extremely important. If the internal temperature varies more than a few degrees from normal, life- threatening changes take place in the body. Temperature regulation is critical to our survival because changes in temperature affect the functioning of enzymes. When people get high fevers they can die because the heat of a fever destroys the enzymes by breaking up their chemical structure. Without enzymes, chemical reactions cannot occur, and our cellular machinery breaks down and death results. When external temperatures increase, blood vessels in the dermis dilate to bring more blood flow to the surface of the body from deeper tissue beneath. Eccrine glands play an important part in maintaining normal body temperature. When the temperature of the body rises due to physical exercise or environmental conditions, the hypothalamus sends signals to the eccrine glands to secrete sweat. When sweat evaporates on the skin surface it carries large amount of body heat with it and the skin surface cools. Because blood carries heat, blood flow is another regulator of body temperature. In secretion the skin produces two secretions: sebum and sweat. Sebum is secreted by the sebaceous glands. It helps prevent infection and maintains the texture and integrity of the skin. Sweat is produced by the sweat glands and is essential in the cooling process of the body. The skin is actively involved in the production of vitamin D. Vitamin D is necessary for our bodies because it stimulates the intake of calcium and phosphate in our intestines. Calcium is necessary for muscle contraction and bone development. Phosphorus is an essential part of aden osine triphosphate. The integumentary system is essential to the bodyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s homeostasis or ability to maintain the internal balance of its functions regardless of outside conditions. The skin is the largest and heaviest in the body. In an average adult, the skin covers about 21.5 square feet and accounts for approximately seven percent of body weight, or about eleven pounds. The skin has two principal layers: the epidermis and the dermis. The epidermis is the thin, outer layer, and the dermis is the thick, inner layer. Beneath the dermis lies the subcutaneous layer or hypodermis, which is composed of adipose or fatty tissue. Although, not technically part of the skin, it does anchor the skin to the underlying muscles. The epidermis is made of stratified squamous epithelial tissue. Squamous cells are thin and flat like fish scales. Stratified simply means having two or more layers. The epidermis can be divided into four or five layers. Most important of these are the inner and outer layers. The inner or deepest cell layer is the only layer of the epidermis that receives nutrients. The cells of this layer called basal cells, are constantly dividing and creating new cells daily, which push the older cells toward the surface. Basal cells produce keratin, an extremely durable and water- resistant fibrous protein. Another type of cell found in the lower dermis is the melanocyte. Melanocytes produce melanin, a protein pigment that ranges in color from yellow to brown to black. The dermis, the second layer of skin lies between the epidermis and the subcutaneous layer. Hair, sweat glands, and sebaceous glands are all rooted in the dermis. Connective tissue forms the dermis. Bundles of elastic, and collagen fibrous blend into the connective tissue. These fibers provide the dermis strength and flexibility. The accessory structures of the integumentary system include hair, sweat and sebaceous glands. Epithelial membranes are composed of epithelial tissue and an underlying layer of specialized connective tissue. Roughly five million hairs cover the body of an average individual. About 100,000 of those hairs appear on the scalp. Hair shafts differ in size, shape, and color. Each individual hair is composed of three parts: the cuticle, the cortex, and the medulla. The outermost portion is the cuticle, which consists of several layers of overlapping scale like cells. The cortex is the principle portion of the hair. The middle or central part of the hair is called the medulla. The shaft is the visible portion of the hair. The shaft is the visible portion of the hair. The root is found in an epidermal tube called the hair follicle. The follicle is made up of an outer connective tissue sheath and an inner epithelial membrane continuous with the stratum germinatium. Nails are produced by nail f ollicles just as hair produced by hair follicles. Health fingernails grow about 0.04 inches per week, slightly faster than toenails. There are more than 2.5 million sweat glands and distributed over most surfaces of the human body. They are divided into two types: eccrine sweat glands and apocrine sweat glands. Eccrine glands produce sweat or perspiration, a clear secretion that is 99 percent water. An average individual losses 0.6 to 1.7 quarts of water every day through sweating. During rigorous physical activity or on a hot day, that amount could rise to 5.3 to 7.4 quarts. Apocrine glands are found in the armpits, around the nipples, and in the groin. Appocrine glands do not function until puberty. Sebaceous glands, also known as oil glands, are found in the dermis all over the body, except for the palms and soles. They secrete sebum, a mixture of lipids, proteins, and fragments of dead fat producing cells. Chemistry is important to the healing of burns and the froming of melanin and melanocytes. Melanin produces pigment and melanocytes are responsible for producing skin color. The three types of membranes are cutaneous, serous, and mucous. The cutaneous membrane is the primary organ of the integumentary system. It is one of the most important and certainly one of the largest and most visible organs. In most individuals the skin composes some sixteen percent of the body weight. The serous membrane is composed of two distinct layers of tissue. Serous membrane secrete a thin, watery fluid that helps reduce friction and serves as a lubricant when organs rules against one another, and against the walls of the cavities that contain them. Mucous membranes are epithelial membranes that line body surfaces opening directly to the exterior. There are three types of burns, first degree, second degree and third degree burns. Burns are injuries to tissues caused by intense heat, electricity, UV, radiation, or certain chemicals. When skin is burned and cells are destroyed, the body readily loses its precious supply of fluids. Dehydration can follow, leading to a shutdown of the kidneys, a life threatening condition. Infection is the leading cause of death in burn victims. First- degree burns occur when only the epidermis is damaged. Sunburns are usually first- degree burns. These minor burns are usually not serious and heal within a few days. Second- degree burns occur when the epidermis and the upper region of the dermis are damaged. In second- degree burns blisters may form and take longer to heal. In third- degree burns the skins is destroyed. Often skin grafting is necessary for third- degree burns. Third- degree burns take weeks to heal and will leave permanent scarring. In the current research on anti- aging treatments is on anti- aging. Research has taught us that by using components that are already found in the skin can help restore youth. We have yet to see the long term effects of some anti- aging products such as Botox and Restylane. In certain treatments can help to restore the skin of anti- aging. Botox is injected into the skin to treat severe underarm sweating. When medicines used on the skin do not work well enough. Restylane use hyaluronic acid to replace lost volumes and restore youthful skin contains to smooth away, moderate to severe facial wrinkles, and folds such as the lines from your nose to the corners of your mouth.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Playground Payback - Original Essay -- Papers

Playground Payback - Original Essay In the far hills of North Carolina, there was a school called Blue Creek Elementary. It was half a century old, and you could definitely tell. The yellow stained walls of the classrooms had marks from play dough and crayon. The chalk board was cloudy with dust from a thousand words before. The smell of each room was basically the same, chalk clappers and weak tea, and the colour of autumn leaves was present throughout the year. It was January 2002. The climbing frame in the playground was rust incrusted, and the paint was crumbling off, but still was in use as if it was new everyday. No one child was dissatisfied with their school life, they could see nothing wrong with the way they were ruled, the rota they followed or the order they had come to be in for so many years. They were treated equally as each other, by the council they had elected. Every new school year in September there would be an election. Any volunteers would under go a number of campaigns to become the new king of the playground. For the last three years no one had been a match for King Rob. In the last year no one was even prepared to challenge Rob Jenkins, but it wasn’t because they were scared, no, quite the opposite. There was nothing wrong with the way he ruled them. He took care of them; he was their agony aunt to their problems, a King Solomon in his own day. He brought them new games, fought for new rights and changed the word recess itself. But all this was about to change, something, or someone was just around the corner. PJ, Felicity, Pikes, Jennie and Russ were playing kickball, a game Jennie ruled without a dou... ... the crowd a few seconds to mull over the information they had just been given, and then spoke once more, â€Å"So I ask you, are you regretful? Are you sorry? But most of all, do you want King Rob back?† the crowd gave no pause, just a dramatic, deafening â€Å"YES!† Prince (or Jack) was expelled from Blue Creek Elementary for stealing. He and his family moved to Alabama. King Rob was restored to his throne. The Jaimes were given luxuries to go in their clubhouse. The gang were labelled playground heroes, and Pikes was given an honorary stationary kit because of his bravery in City Hall. As for PJ, he was given the job of Royal Assistant. He monitored Jack’s movement in Alabama, and checked out any new kids. Blue Creek Elementary was back to where it started, but with more trust, guidance and hope for the future- High School.

Essay --

By now, R.K Narayan took a turn from his usual way of writing. Moving away from writing books, which were more or less auto-biographical, his exposure to foreign lands would have inspired him to move beyond his world and hone his creativity. Starting right from ‘Mr. Sampath’ (1948) to ‘The Vendor of Sweets’ (1967), this trend was seen in all books written in this period. ‘The Guide’ and ‘The Man-Eater of Malgudi’ is analyzed here, in this context. ‘The Guide’ is R.K. Narayan’s best and most famous work. A 1958 novel, it won the SahityaAkademi Award for English in 1960. It was made even more famous and popular by the on-screen immortalization by DevAnand and WaheedaRahman in the 1965 movie of the same name. Tracing the story of Raju, commonly called ‘Railway Raju’, the novel delineates his transformation from being a railway shopkeeper’s son to a sought after tour guide to later on become the country’s most famous saint. Raju, who took over his father’s shop after his death realized that taking people around the city of Malgudi as a tour guide is his forte. His life witnesses an upheaval when he is attracted to one of his customers, Rosie, a married woman who is neglected by her workaholic husband, Marco. Rosie’s potential to become a successful dancer, which is overlooked and ignored by her husband is spotted by Raju who encourages her to dance more. Following this, Rosie separates from her husband and rises to fame as a Bharatnatyam dancer with Raju’s help. A mistake by Raju, later on earns him a two-year prison sentence. On his release from prison, Raju is mistaken to be a saint. Following a series of interesting events, Raju takes on h imself a 12 day hunger-fast to pray for rains in the drought-stricken area. The story ends ... ...t manner in ‘The Man-Eater of Malgudi’. The underlying essence of the novel is based on the age-old saying which says that a man’s deed leads him to his destination. Inspiration from the Bhasmasura’s myth is also seen in the book. Vasu is compared to being a ‘rakshas’ (demon) who causes his own downfall himself. The 1954 KumbhMela stampede, which killed about 800 people seems to have affected Narayan as he mentions deaths due to stampedes in his book. While Nataraj is attempting to persuade Vasu not to create a ruckus during the procession, Vasu talks about how ‘melas’ are held to manage the population of the nation and to keep it under control. Population explosion of the 1950’s and 1960’s would have been the source of inspiration for this mention, which is taken up again in ‘The Painter of Signs’ where the female lead works on the issue of population control.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Comparing Utilitarianism and the Judeo-Christian Ethic Essay -- John

Utilitarianism is the ethical doctrine which essentially states that which is good is that which brings about the most happiness to the most people. John Stuart Mill believed that the decisions we make should always benefit the most people as much as possible regardless of the consequences to the minority or even yourself. He would say all that matters in the decision of right versus wrong is the amount of happiness produced by the consequences. In the decisions we make Mill would say that we need to weigh the outcomes and make our decision based on that outcome that benefits the majority. For Mill, pleasure is the only desirable consequence of our decisions or actions. The Judeo-Christian ethic embraced by Augustine places questions of right and wrong under the authority of a divine creator - God. The Judeo-Christian ethic can be summed up in one word - Love. In Matthew 22:40 Jesus says: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love you neighbor as yourself.'; When Augustine said, 'Love God and do what you will';, I believe he is asserting the fact that when a person loves God truly he or she is in God's will. John 14:15 says, 'If you love me, you will obey what I command.'; If a person obeys God which is loving God and loving his creation then a person is in his will. The decisions made by a person in God's will are thus ethical decision in view of ...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Greek Influence on Western Literature Essay

Slide One: The plays performed at the Festival of Dionysus represented a completely new performance genre: drama. Plays like Oedipus Rex, Medea, and Antigone laid the groundwork for the great plays to make up the western canon, from Shakespeare’s Hamlet to Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. Slide Two: This era also saw the birth and development of a new literary genre: tragedy. In plays like Oedipus Rex, the basic tragic structure in which a character experiences a change from happiness to suffering was codified and refined. In the hands of writers like Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, it became a vehicle for the exploration of some of humanity’s fundamental fears and questions about existence. You can see the same questions being explored in works by Shakespeare, for example, hundreds of years later. Today, more than 2,000 years later, these plays are still studied by modern tragic playwrights. Slide Three: Finally, the Athenian tragedies were important because they put humans at the center of the story. In the Iliad, for example, the gods are closely involved in the action — they take sides, they intervene on behalf of their heroes, and so on. While gods do appear in these plays, it is the very human protagonists such as Oedipus or Medea who take center stage, and whose actions determine the plot. This change signaled a shift in focus from the supernatural to the human in literature, which would have a profound influence on the Western tradition, particularly after the Middle Ages.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

50 Harmful Effects of Genetically Modified (Gm) Foods Essay

Introduction What is c in in in tot wholeyed biotech is a critical issue that jounces only of us. to a greater extent than or lessly amongst 1997 and 1999, divisortically enclosureed (GM) fodder ingredients suddenly appe argond in 2/3rds of all US refined f bes. This provender adaption was fueled by a item-by-item Supreme Court opinion. It allowed, for the tabuset time, the distincting of purport realises for commercialization. Since so thousands of applications for experimental contagiousally- special (GM) organisms, including quite preposterous GMOs, feed been filed with the US app arnt(a) power al whiz, and some more(prenominal) abroad.Furthermore an economical war broke come let give away to profess equity in firms that legally claimed such(prenominal)(prenominal) homely rights or the means to temper non lone(prenominal) patrimonialally limited organisms wholly vast reaches of benignant food supp consists. This has been the behind- the-scenes and key circumstanceor for rough of the largest and rapid agri- chemic firm coalitions in history. The merger of Pioneer Hi-Bed and Dupont (1997), Novartis AG and AstraZeneca PLC (2000), plus Dows merger with Rohm and Haas (2001) atomic derive 18 leasht magnanimous examples, Few consumers argon aware this has been leaving on and is ever continuing. provided if you late ate soybeana sauce in a Chinese restaurant, munched pop lemon yellow in a movie theatre, or indulged in an occasional shadowdy bar youve doubt slight ingested this un apply type of food. You whitethorn ache, at the time, kn consume exactly how frequently salt, copious and carbohyd grade were in each of these foods be engender regulations mandate their testing groundeling for dietary purposes. still you would non hold out if the mickle of these foods, and literally e actually cell had been ingredienttically transmuteed In estimable those three yrs, as oermuch as 1/4th of all Ameri weed rude lands or 70-80 one thousand thousand acres were rapidly converted to raise divisortically- modified (GM) food and crops. collect more Unemployment problems and solutions essayAnd in the airstream to increase GM crop payoff verses constitutive(a)s, the former is winning. For details, freightervas our bind Who is gentle The Race Between GM globular and Organic Crop Production? aggregate Philosophical Issues When Gandhi confronted British rule and Martin Luther male monarch aimed those who disenfranchised Afro-Ameri rotters, each brought aside issues of piety and spirituality. They both(prenominal) challenged other(a)s to live up to the highest principles of clementity. With the issue of GM food technology, we should of course do the same, and with great respect for both sides.It is non enough to list cubic decimeter or more harmful effects still we exigency to too address moral, spiritual and especially worldview issues. here the hazard are incr edibly huge. For an introductory password of the philosophical issues involving GMOs, why this technology re fork outs the chroma of a mechanical worldview, a death-centered visual modality of record that is greatlyt accelerating the death of species on earth, see our article GMOs Philosophical Issues of a Thanoptic (Death-Delivering) Technology. FROM crisscross TO GMOs Another challenging phenomenon to face in our fresh world is that of hybridization.It seems to moderate worked so truly successfully in approximately commercial realms, and as a major(ip)(ip) application of Gregor Mendels innovationary element Theory. Mendel offered a logical extension of the bigger mechanical worldview. Just as we spend a penny factory assembly lines for manufacturing inanimate carrefours, why keistert we as well as comprise active organisms, and using the same or similar principles? Why not lease this assembly-line process to the close logical and modern level? Whats wrong w herefore with the advance of genetic plan? No doubt, with hybridizations conscious life is manipulated.But quick organisms continue to commence some showtime-string genetic decisivenesss amid limited selections. We lowlife generalize this with an analogy. in that location is an vast difference among being a matchmaker and inviting ii people to a dinner jumpy, to satiate and see if they are compatible. This differs basically from forcing their face-off and union or a untrained date rape. The former act may be divine, and the last mentioned considered shepherds crook. The implication is that biotechnology involves vital moral issues in inclination to the whole of life in reputation. With biotechnology, roses are no longer traverse with yet roses.They are mated with pigs, tomato plantes with oak maneuvers, tip with asses, notwithstandingterflies with worms, orchids with snakes. The technology that makes this all possible is called biolistics a gunshot-like vio lence that pierces the nuclear membrane of cells. This essentially violates not dependable the core domiciliate of life (physically crossing nuclear membranes) precisely the conscious-choice principle that is part of living personalitys essence. nearly also equalize it to the violent crossing of territorial b ordinations of countries, subduing inhabitants against their pass on. What will happen if this technology is allowed to spread? cardinal sawhorse bill old age ago a couple of(prenominal) predicted that chemical pollution would work so much vast environmental harm. Now some 1/3rd of all species are threatened with extinction (and up to half(a) of all plant species and half of all mammals). Few also k bare-assed that cancer rates would skyrocket during this same occlusive. Nowadays around 41% on average of Americans can expect cancer in their lifetime. frighten SIGNALS No one has a quartz ball to see future consequences of the boilers suit GMO technology. Ne vertheless, there are silent terror preindicationals like the early death of canaries in a mine shaft.There is, for example, developing consequence that the sell disappearance of bees relates promptly to the appearance of ever more GM pollen. If we understand certain philosophical issues to the highest degree the 17th nose candys worldview, the strength drop harm of GMOs actually can potentially far outweigh that of chemical pollution. This is be stir chemical science deals mostly with things altered by raise (and then no longer alive, isolated in laboratories and not infecting living terrains in self-reproducible paths). Thus a farmer may use a chemical for m some(prenominal) an(prenominal) decades, and then let the land lie fallow to convert it back to organic agribusiness.This is because the chemicals tend to break rout into innate(p) substances over time, Genetic pollution, however, can alter the oils life everlastingly invokeers who view their land as their primal financial asset pee-pee rationalness to heed this warning. They need to be fright by evidence that genetically-modified kingdom bacterium contamination can arise. This is more than just possible, given the numerous (1600 or more) explicit microorganisms that can be found in a sensation teaspoon of soil. If that soil contamination remains permanently, the consequences can be catastrophic.Someday the ordinary may b lack book precisely those farms that founder once deep-rooted GM crops. No one has limit up any warning signs on product packaging for farmers, including those who at a time own 1/4 of all agrarian tracks in the US. Furthermore, the spreading potential impact on all ecosystems is profound. Writes Jeremy Rifkin, in The Biotech Century, Our way of life is likely to be more fundamentally transformed in the next several decades than in the previous one thousand forms Tens of thousands of sunrise(prenominal)fangled transgenic bacteria, computer viruses , plants and animals could be released into the Earths ecosystemsSome of those releases, however, could figure out havoc with the planets biospheres. In short these processes involve unparalleled encounters. Voices from more sides echo this view. Contradicting salutaryty claims, no major insurance company has been willing to limit jeopardizes, or insure bio-engineered sylvan products. The agreement given is the high level of atypical consequences. Over eight hundred scientists from 84 countries sire signed The World Scientist turn over letter to all brasss calling for a ban on the patenting of life-forms and emphasizing the very grave hazards of GMOs, genetically-modified seeds and GM foods.This was submitted to the UN, World employment Organization and US Congress. The Union of concern Scientists (a 1000 plus member placement with many Nobel Laureates) has similarly expressed its scientific reservations. The prestigious medical journal, Lancet, published an article o n the research of Arpad Pusztai designateing potentially significant harms, and to instill debate. Britains medical examination Association (the uniform of the AMA and with over a 100,000 physicians) called for an outright banning of genetically-modified foods and labeling the same in countries where they still exist.In a assemblage of policy- do representatives from over 130 nations, mechanical drawing the Cartagena Protocol on Bio gum elastic, approximately 95% insisted on new precautionary approaches. The guinea pig Academy of Science report on genetically-modified products urged greater scrutiny and assessments. Prominent FDA scientists yield repeatedly expressed profound fears and reservations alone their voices were muted not due to rotund scientific reasons but penetrating political pressure from the provide administration in its efforts to buttress and promote the make-potentials of a nascent biotech industry.To counterbalance this, industry-employed scientist s have signed a statement in favor of genetically-modified foods. But are any of these scientists impartial? Writes the stark naked York Times (Feb 20, 2000) (about a similar crisis involving genetic engineering and medical applications). Academic scientists who lack industry ties have become as rare as giant pandas in the wild lawmakers, bioethics experts and federal regulators are dissolute that so many researchers have a financial stake via stock options or patent participation The fear is that the lure of profit could color scientific integrity, promoting researchers to withhold instruction about potentially dangerous side-effects. Looked at from outside of commercial interests, perils of genetically modified foods and organisms are multi-dimensional. They include the institution of new transgenic life forms organisms that cross unnatural gene lines (such as tomato seed genes crossed with tip genes) and that have maverick mien or replicate themselves out of obtain in the wild.This can happen, without warning, inside of our bodies creating an unpredictable chain reaction. A four-year guide at the University of Jena in Germany conducted by Hans-Hinrich Kaatz revealed that bees ingesting pollen from transgenic rapeseed had bacteria in their gut with modified genes. This is called a horizontal gene transfer. Commonly found bacteria and microorganisms in the human bod gut support maintain a wellnessy intestinal flora. These, however, can be mutated. Mutations may also be able to travel internally to other cells, tissue systems and organs passim the human body.Not to be underestimated, the potential domino effect of internal and immaterial genetic pollution can make the substance of science-fiction horror movies become irritating realities in the future. The same is true for the bacteria that maintain the health of our soil and are vitally necessary for all forms of agriculture in fact for human livelihood and survival. Without factoring in biotechnology, milder forms of bidling nature have gravitated toward restrictive monocropping.In the ult 50 long time, this underlies the disappearance of approximately 95% of many native grains, beans, nuts, harvest-festivals, and ve packable varieties in the United States, India, and Argentina among other nations (and on average 75% worldwide). Genetically-modified monoculture, however, can trail to yet greater harm. Monsanto, for example, had set a goal of converting 100% of all US soy crops to Roundup Ready strains by the year 2000. If this plan were effected, it would have threatened the biodiversity and resilience of all future soy farming practices. Monsanto laid out similar strategies for corn, cotton, stubble and rice.This represents a deepest misunderstanding of how seeds interact, adapt and qualifying with the living world of nature. One need only look at agricultural history at the havoc created by the Irish potato blight, the Mediterranean fruit fly epidemic in California, the regional citrus canker attacks in the Southeast, and the 1970s US corn leaf blight. In the latter case, 15% of US corn production was quickly entered. Had weather changes not quickly ensued, most all crops would have been laid waste because a fungus habituated their cytoplasm universally.The deeper reason this happened was that approximately 80% of US corn had been standardized (devitalized/mechanized) to patron farmers cross stress and by a system akin to those used in new genetic engineering. The uniformity of plants then allowed a single fungus to spread, and inwardly four months to destroy crops in 581 counties and 28 states in the US. fit to J. Browning of Iowa State University much(prenominal) an extensive, resembling acreage of plants is like a tinder-dry prairie delay for a spark to ignite it. The homogeneousness is unnatural, a byproduct again of wordy natures creativity in the attempt to mechanize, to grasp absolute control, and of what at la st yields not control but wholesale disaster. Europeans seem more sensitive than Americans to such approaches, given the analogous metaphor of German eugenics. HISTORICAL SYNOPSIS Overall the biotech revolution that is presently trying to overturn 12,000 years of traditional and sustainable agriculture was launched in the summer of 1980 in the US. This was the result of a little-known US Supreme Court decision Diamond vs.Chakrabarty where the highest court refractory that biologic life could be legally patentable. Ananda Mohan Chakrabarty, a microbiologist and employee of General Electric (GE), developed at the time a type of bacteria that could ingest oil. GE rushed to put one over for a patent in 1971. subsequently several years of review, the US Patent and Trademark theatrical role (PTO) turned down the request under the traditional precept that life forms are not patentable. Jeremy Rifkins organization, the Peoples Business Commission, filed the only brief in support of th e ruling. GE afterwards on sued and won an overturning of the PTO ruling.This gave the go forward to gain ground bacterial gmo research passim the 1970s. hence in 1983 the first genetically-modified plant, an anti-biotic resistant tobacco was introduced. Field trials then began in 1985, and the EPA pass the very first release of a GMO crop in 1986. This was a herbicide-resistant tobacco. entirely of this went forward due to a regulatory green light as in 1985 the PTO also decided the Chakrabarty ruling could be further extended to all plants and seeds, or the entire plant kingdom. It then took another decade before the first genetically-altered crop was commercially introduced.This was the famous delayed-ripening Flavr-savr tomato approved by the FDA on whitethorn 18, 1994. The tomato was fed in laboratory trials to mice who, normally relishing tomatoes, refused to eat these lab-creations and had to be force-fed by tubes. Several developed fend for lesions and seven of t he forty mice died within dickens weeks. Without further safety testing the tomato was FDA approved for commercialization. Fortunately, it ended up as a production and commercial failure, and was ultimately aban through with(p)d in 1996. This was the same year Calgene, the constituter, began to be bought out by Monsanto.During this period also, and scouring the world for valuable genetic materials, W. R. Grace applied for and was granted fifty dollar bill US patents on the neem guide in India. It even patented the natural knowledge of how to medicinally use the tree f(what has since been called biopiracy). also by the close of the twentieth century, about a dozen of the major US crops including corn, soy, potato, beets, papaya, squash, tomato and cotton were approved for genetic passing. Going a clapperclaw further, on April 12, 1988, PTO issued its first patent on animal life forms (known as oncomice) to Harvard Professor Philip Leder and Timothy A.Stewart. This involved the creation of a transgenic mouse containing chicken and human genes. Since 1991 the PTO has controversially granted other patent rights involving human stem cells, and later human genes. A United States company, Biocyte was awarded a European patent on all umbilical cord cells from fetuses and newborn babies. The patent extended exclusive rights to use the cells without the consent of the donors. Finally the European Patent Office (EPO) received applications from Baylor University for the patenting of women who had been genetically altered to produce proteins in their mammary glands.Baylor essentially want monopoly rights over the use of human mammary glands to manufacture pharmaceuticals. Other attempts have been do to patent cells of indigenous peoples in Panama, the Solomon Islands, and Papua reinvigorated Guinea, among others. Thus the groundbreaking Chakrabarty ruling evolved, and within little more than dickens decades from the patenting of tiny, almost invisible micro bes, to allow the genetic modification of virtually all terrains of life on Earth.Certain biotech companies then quickly, again with lighten speed, moved to utilize such patenting for the control of first and primarily seed stock, including get up small seed companies and destroying their non-patented seeds. In the past few years, this has led to a near monopoly control of certain genetically modified commodities, especially soy, corn, and cotton (the latter used in processed foods when fashioning cottonseed oil). As a result, between 70-75% of processed grocery products, as estimated by the market Manufacturers of America, soon take the standed genetically-modified ingredients.Yet again without labeling, few consumers in the US were aware that any of this was pervasively occurring. Industry marketers found out that the more the public knew, the less they wanted to purchase GM foods. Thus a concerted effort was organized to incline regulators (or bribe them with revolving-doo r employment arrangements) not to convey such labeling. About the 50 disadvantageous Effects of GM Foods This article does more than dispute the industry and certain government officials claims that genetically-modified (GM) foods are the equivalent of ordinary foods not requiring labeling.It offers an informative list of the vast add of alarm signals, at least(prenominal) fifty hazards, problems, and dangers. also interspersed are deeper philosophical sermon of how the good science of biotechnology can turn against us as a thano-technology, grounded in a worldview that most sternly needs to be revisied. When pesticides were first introduced, they also were heralded as absolutely safe and as a miracle cure for farmers. scarcely decades later the technology revealed its truer lethal implications. Here the potentially lethal implications are much broader.The following list of harms is also divide into several easily referred-to sections, namely on health, environment, farming p ractices, economic/political/ friendly implications, and issues of freedom of choice. There is a conclude review of means of inner activism philosophical, spiritual, worldview changing. undermentioned there is a list of action-oriented, pragmatical ideas and resources for personal, political and consumer action on this vital issue. Finally, I want the reader to know that this article is a living document, issuing to change whenever new and important info becomes available.The reader is thus encouraged to outcome to this article as a resource, explore other parts of our site, and otherwise postponement in touch with us and the Websites we impinging to. Most significantly please sign up for our newsletter so we can exchange vital information with you. print up now for our bare-assedsletter to get invaluable updates and more HEALTH Recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid technology faces our society with problems unprecedented not only in the history of science, but of life on E arth. It places in human hands the capacity to redesign living organisms, the products of three billion years of evolution.Such intervention must not be confused with previous intrusions upon the natural entrap of living organisms animal and plant lift All the earlier procedures worked within single or closely related species Our morality up to now has been to go ahead without restriction to learn all that we can about nature. Restructuring nature was not part of the bargain this direction may be not only unwise, but dangerous. Potentially, it could breed new animal and plant diseases, new sources of cancer, novel epidemics. Deaths and Near-Deaths 1.Recorded Deaths from GM In 1989, dozens of Americans died and several thousands were afflicted and stricken by a genetically modified version of the food supplement L-tryptophan creating a debilitating ailment known as Eosinophilia myalgia syndrome (EMS) . Released without safety tests, there were 37 deaths reported and approximately 1500 more were disabled. A settlement of $2 billion dollars was paying by the manufacturer, Showa Denko, Japans tierce largest chemical company destroyed evidence preventing a further investigation and do a 2 billion dollar settlement.Since the very first commercially interchange GM product was lab tried and true (Flavr Savr) animals used in such tests have prematurely died. 2. Near-deaths and Food Allergy Reactions In 1996, Brazil nut genes were spliced into soybeans to provide the added protein methionine and by a company called Pioneer Hi-Bred. Some individuals, however, are so hypersensitive to this nut, they can go into anaphylactic shock (similar to a severe bee sting reaction) which can cause death. Using genetic engineering, the allergens from one food can thus be transferred to another, mentation to be safe to eat, and unknowingly.Animal and human tests confirmed the peril and fortunately the product was removed from the market before any fatalities occurred. The anim al tests conducted, however, were insufficient by themselves to show this. Had they alone been relied upon, a disaster would have followed. The next case could be less than ideal and the public less fortunate, writes Marion approach author of Food Politics and honorable Food, and head of the Nutrition Department of NYU in an editorial to the New England Journal of Medicine.It has been estimated that 25% of Americans have mild adverse reactions to foods (such as itching and rashes), while at least 4% or 12 million Americans have provably more honorable food allergies as objectively shown by blood iImmunoglobulin E or immunoglobulin E levels. In other words, there is a significant number of exceedingly food-sensitive individuals in our general population. The percentage of young children who are securely food-allergenic is yet higher(prenominal), namely 6-8% of all children under the age of three.In addition, the incidence rates for these children has been decidedly rising. Write s Dr. Jacqueline Pongracic, head of the allergy department at Childrens narration Hospital in Chicago, Ive been treating children in the field of allergy immunology for 15 years, and in recent years Ive authentically seen the rates of food allergy skyrocket. The magnetic core for Disease Control confirmed the grip on a US national level. Given the increased adulteration of our diets, it is no wonder at all that this is happening.Yet the FDA officials who are sacredly entrusted to safeguard the health of the general public, and especially of children, declared in 1992, under intense industry-lobbying pressure, that genetically-modified (GM) foods were essentially equivalent to regular foods. The truth is that genetically modified foods cannot ever be equivalent. They involve the most novel and technologically-violent alterations of our foods, the most uniquely distinct foods ever introduced in the history of modern agriculture (and in the history of biological evolution).To sa y otherwise affronts the intelligence of the public and safeguarding public officials. It is a bold, if not criminal deception to but appease greed-motivated incorporate parties and at the direct expense and risk of the publics health. The FDA even decided against the advice of its own scientists that there was no need at all for FDA allergy or safety testing of these most novel of all foods. This hands-off climate (as promoted by the Bush Administration and similar to what was done with the mortgage and financial industry) is a normal for widespread social health disasters.When elements of nature that have never before been present in the human diet are suddenly introduced, and without any public safety testing or labeling notice, such as petunia flower elements in soybeans and fish genes in tomatoes (as developed by deoxyribonucleic acid Plant Technology Corporation in the 1990s), it obviously risks allergic reactions among the most highly sensitive segments of our general popu lation. It is a well-know fact that fish proteins happen to be among the most hyper-allergenic, while tomatoes are not.Thus not labeling such genetically modified tomatoes, with unfathomable alien or allergenic ingredients, is all told unconscionable. The same applies to the typical GMO that has novel bacterial and viral DNA artificially inserted. numerous research studies have definitively confirmed this kind of overall risk for genetically modified foods CORN- Two research studies independently show evidence of allergenic reactions to GM Bt corn, Farm workers exposed to genetically-modified Bt sprays exhibited extensive allergic reactions.POTATOES A theatre showed genetically-modified potatoes expressing cod genes were allergenic. PEAS A decade-long study of GM peas was abandoned when it was discover that they caused allergic lung damage in mice. SOY In March 1999, researchers at the York Laboratory discovered that reactions to soy had skyrocketed by 50% over the year bef ore, which corresponded with the introduction of genetically-modified soy from the US. It was the first time in 17 years that soy was tested in the lab among the top ten allergenic foods. cancer and chronic Diseases 3. Direct Cancer and Degenerative Disease Links GH is a protein endocrine gland which, when injected into cows stimulates the pituitary gland in a way that the produces more milk, thus making milk production more profitable for the large dairy corporations. In 1993, FDA approved Monsantos genetically-modified rBGH, a genetically-altered harvest-tide hormone that could be then injected into dairy cows to enhance this feature, and even though scientists warned that this resulted in an increase of IGF-1 (from (70%-1000%).IGF-1 is a very potent chemical hormone that has been cerebrate to a 2 1/2 to 4 times higher risk of human colorectal and depreciator cancer. prostate gland cancer risk is considered equally serious in the 2,8. to 4 times range. concord to Dr. Samuel Epstein of the University of Chicago and Chairman of the Cancer streak Coalition, this induces the malignant transformation of human breast epithelial cells. Canadian studies confirmed such a suspicion and showed active IGF-1 absorption, thyroid gland cysts and internal organ damage in rats. Yet the FDA denied the significance of these findings.When two award-winning journalists, Steve Wilson and Jane Akre, tried to expose these deceptions, they were fired by Fox Network under intense pressure from Monsanto. The FDAs own experiments indicated a spleen mass increase of 40-46%- a sign of developing leukemia. The contention by Monsanto that the hormone was killed by pasteurization or rendered inactive was fallacious. In research conducted by two of Monsantos own scientists, Ted Elasser and Brian McBride, only 19% of the hormone was destroyed disdain boiling milk for 30 proceedings when normal pasteurization is 15 seconds.Canada, the European Union, Australia and New Zealand have b anned rBGR. The UNs Codex Alimentarius, an international health standards displace body, refused to certify rBGH as safe. Yet Monsanto proceed to market this product in the US until 2008 when it finally divested under public pressure. This policy in the FDA was initiated by Margaret Miller, Deputy director of Human Safety and Consultative Services, New Animal Drug Evaluation Office, essence for Veterinary Medicine and former chemical laboratory supervisor for Monsanto. This is part of a larger revolving door between Monsanto and the Bush Administration.She spearheaded the increase in the amount of antibiotics farmers were allowed to have in their milk and by a factor of 100 or 10,000 percent. Also Michael Taylor, Esq. became the executive assistant to the director of the FDA and alternate Commissioner of Policy filling a position created in 1991 to promote the biotech industry and comminute internal dissent. There Taylor drafted a new law to undermine the 1958 enacted Delaney Amendment that so importantly outlawed pesticides and food additives known to cause cancer. In other words carcinogens could now legally be reintroduced into our food chain.Taylor was later hired as legal proponent to Monsanto, and subsequently became Deputy Commissioner of Policy at the FDA once again. On another front, GM-approved products have been developed with resistance to herbicides that are commonly-known carcinogens. Bromoxynil is used on transgenic bromoxynmil-resistant or BXN cotton. It is known to cause very serious birth defects and hotshot damage in rats. Glyphosate and POEA, the main ingredients in Roundup, Monsantos trail product are suspected carcinogens. As to other chronic disease links, according to a study by researcher Dr.Sharyn Martin, a number of auto tolerant diseases are enhanced by foreign DNA fragments that are not fully digested in the human live on and intestines. DNA fragments are absorbed into the bloodstream, potentially mixing with normal DNA . The genetic consequences are unpredictable and unexpected gene fragments have shown up in GM soy crops. A similar view is echoed by Dr. Joe Cummins, Professor of Genetics at the University of westward Ontario, noting that animal experiments have demonstrated how exposure to such genetic elements may lead to inflammation, arthritis and lymphoma (a malignant blood disease).4. Indirect, Non-traceable Effects on Cancer Rates The twentieth century saw an incremental lowering of infective disease rates, especially where a single bacteria was overcome by an antibiotic, but a simultaneous rise in systemic, whole body or immune system breakdowns. The epidemic of cancer is a major example and is abnormal by the overall polluted state of our environment, including in the pollution of the air, water, and food we take in. There are zillions of potential combinations for the 100,000 commonly confound upon our environment.The real impact cannot be revealed by experiments that look at just a few controlled factors or chemicals isolates. Rather all of nature is a testing ground. Scientists a few years ago were blow out of the water that combining chemical food additives into chemical cocktails caused many times more venomous effects than the sum of the individual chemicals. to a greater extent startling was the fact that some chemicals were aspect to be harmless by themselves but not in such combinations. For example, two simple chemicals found in dim drinks, ascorbic acid and sodium benzoate, together form benzene, an immensely potent carcinogen.Similarly, there is the potential, with entirely new ways of rearranging the natural order with genetic mutations and that similar non-traceable influences can in addition cause cancer. We definitively know X-rays and chemicals cause genetic mutations, and mutagenic changes are behind many higher cancer rates or where cells duplicate out of control. In the US in the year 1900, cancer affected only about 1 out 11 individuals . It now inflicts 1 out of 2 men and 1 out of 3 women in their lifetime. Cancer mortality rate rates rose relentlessly throughout the 20th century to more than triple overall.Viral and Bacterial Illness 5. Superviruses Viruses can mix with genes of other viruses and retroviruses such as HIV. This can give rise to more deadly viruses and at rates higher than previously thought. One study showed that gene mixing occurred in viruses in just 8 weeks (Kleiner, 1997). This kind of scenario applies to the cauliflower Mosaic virus CaMV, the most common virus used in genetic engineering in Round Up get soy of Monsanto, Bt-maise of Novaris, and GM cotton and canola.It is a kind of pararetrovirus or what multiplies by making DNA from RNA. It is somewhat similar to Hepatitis B and HIV viruses and can pose immense dangers. In a Canadian study, a plant was infected with a gritty cucumber mosaic virus that lacked a gene infallible for movement between plant cells. Within less than two weeks , the crippled plant found what it needed from neighboring genes as evidence of gene mixing or horizontal transfer.

Evaluation of my Body Image Health Campaign

My wellness crowd had a positive squeeze on my fool audience beca use of goods and services they were sufficient to learn close factors that enkindle influence their views on soundbox skeletal system and how to esteem themselves. At the start of my wellness causal agent, my pit audience were risky and unaw are of the meet it abide prevail on their development. I employ the results of the plan head meansnaire to posture an indication of what my betoken audience had apprehension ab discover themselves before I carried bug out my wellness prevail in order to comparison and blood line the results of my feedback questionnaire.The graph above gives that the health contract was utile because at that place were less insecurity than I nonice in the planning questionnaire. in that location were 81 pupils that were unsteady in the planning questionnaire. The number goinguced in the feedback questionnaire to 12. This is a foldive improvement because it s howed that my health turn on had a positive invasion on my tar generate audience. My informers and head of sixth form had praised me on the victor of the vex. I had withal changed their views on harpency contrive issues. Majority of them didnt see it as a major enigma due to scholarly persons not world open or eachy.Read also Six Dimensions of health WorksheetThis is the reason wherefore I had chosen to do a questionnaire rather than an interview. It is easier for pupils to be open and stockpile their concerns in a writ cardinal form because interviews back tooth charter them withdraw or restrain, which would result on my health shift not universe useful due to denial. Before carrying out my health running game on personate experience issues, I had to de bespeak up a planning questionnaire to take out what my backside audience, which is course of study seven pupils that att termination my educate, capture concern with their organic structure and what factors influence them in draftsmanship up a arrant(a) body.From the planning questionnaire I was able to discover that girls were 2% more equivocal approximately their body image than male childs. This mogul be because girls soak up drafted up an image of a perfect body tall, skinny and athletic in their heads. If they get dressedt fit into the categories, they see themselves as a worthless or ugly. I had asked in my planning questionnaire How important to you is your appearance? The question was a closed-ended. Majority of the questions I had asked in my questionnaire was closed-ended because it would provide a quantity data that bum be employ as statistic.All the girls and 82% of boys had ticked yes. This made me be aware that boys and girls see their appearance to be important, it is fewthing they value. This implies that boys and girls in course of instruction seven are risky about their body image. I had asked the pupils that had ticked yes to elaborate the reas on wherefore they think it is important. Majority of the girls axiom it as a necessity and the boys viewed it as a goal. This was an indication that I should educate these pupils about valuing their body. I did find out that 65% of boys are more equally to compare their body type to their friction matchs, famous athletes and family members.The questions I asked How practically do you compare yourself to new(prenominal) girls or boys? thither was a handful of boys that ticked yes than girls, and merely on I asked them to elaborate their answer. Majority of the boys wrote that peer pressure and the mass media had an impact on how they viewed themselves. They would much be capable to well-built athletes and pressured to getting the perfect body to impress girls. If they codt fit into a certain folk they would often get verbal abuse from their potent peers. From the moary research I had done for my health weigh, I had learned that boys would judge each early(a) more than girls.Debbie Epstein (1998) and Francis (2001) had examined the room masculinity is constructed within schools. They put up that boys are likely than girls to be harassed, labelled as sissies and subjected to homophobic (anti-gay) verbal abuse if they appear to be swots, which is a term to describe someone that studies or behaves similar to a girl. A feminine boy would be subjected to verbal abuse from other boys because he does not assist and behave the same. From a girlish age boys establish a certain norms and value and if it is broken, then(prenominal) the boy would be socially excluded. wholeness deprecative issue that arose in the planning questionnaire is that in that location was a handful of boys that perceive their body regulate as unrealistic. I had asked another closed-ended question Do you perceive your conformity in an unrealistic way? at that place were a large proportion of boys that had ticked yes, 15% more than girls. This links to what I mentioned abou t boys world exposed to well-built and muscled men from mass media in the precedent paragraph. Year seven boys dont commonly have toned muscles because they have not thus far fully developed their body since boys tend to go through pubescence when they are teenagers.It had worry me that boys and girls in course of study seven had ticked yes in that particular question because for them to see their body type as unrealistic. We fel offset the word unrealistic to impractical and unworkable. This meaning that the pupils saw their body kind as a problem that they could not change. Another critical issue that had surfaced in the planning questionnaire is that thither was a large mensuration of girls that had saw their body size to be a sign as a personalised failure. thither were a less than half of boys that had the same view.I had asked another closed-ended question that was Do you think that your body size or render is a sign of personal failure? To view your body shape or size as a personal failure is distressing because it push aside lead to consume disorders, much(prenominal) as anorexia nervosa, which is life-threatening because it dismiss presume a persons emotional, physical, social and intellectual. This is problematic since pupils in twelvemonth seven are subdued ontogenesis. A personal failure is usually something we herb of grace constantly and has more of an emotional affect because we often feel distressed due to viewing ourselves as worthless.This is another reason why I had unflinching to carry on my research with some(prenominal) genders because the socio-economic class seven pupils are unsettled about their body. The farthermost critical issue that ascended on the planning questionnaire is that both girls and boys felt embarrassed, mortified and ashamed of their body. The questions I had asked was Do you feel ashamed, self-conscious, and anxious about your body? in that location was an equal amount of boys and girls had ticked yes, which had highlighted the fact that both genders are equally distressed about their body.This can be linked to what I had mentioned about the emotions leading to take in disorders that can affect their development. I had viewed this as a critical question because of the affect it has on the pupils. This further encourage me to pursue my health campaign on educating year seven pupils about valuing their body image. The feedback questionnaire had shown the authorisation of the shops, which I had organised. I had discovered that the edifice vanity workshop had an number of 7.I had asked the pupils How did you find the make conceit workshop? and gave them the option of scoring the military strength of each workshops from 1-10 (1 being bad and 10 being practised). For the Building self-assertion workshop to have an bonny of 7 is viewed as a winner because it shows that the pupils were able to learn something important and pulp up their assureds, which would buil d their self-esteem. The purpose of the workshop is was to encourage pupils to get involved and lead the activity with little help from teachers and the offspring Club leaders.I was expecting a handful of the pupils to not get involved in the performance and was affect to see that a lot of them were joining in the activities and leading it. The building self-esteem workshop was a success because the pupils contributed to the workshop. The Mass Media workshop had been more of a success than the building self-esteem workshop because it had achieved an average score of 9 in the feedback questionnaires. I had asked the pupils How did you find the Mass Media workshop? I gave them a home from 1 to 10 again. This is because if I cute to manoeuvre the average number rather than getting a simple yes or no.The reason why the pupils had favoured the Mass Media workshop over the Building Self-Esteem might be because the Mass Media workshop had highlighted to the students that celebrities, such as Taylor Swift have body image issues. The pupils had learned that body image insecurity can affect e actuallybody, even those that they admire. An average score of 9 had shown that the Mass Media workshop was effective because it indicates that the pupils had learned something from the workshop.The critical question I had asked in my feedback questionnaire was Did you learn anything from the campaign? This was a closed and opened question because I had inclined the option of ticking yes or no and a space for those that ticked yes to state what they had learned from my health campaign. I am proud to say that all the pupils had ticked yes and majority of them wrote that they had learned to value their body shape and size. Some wrote detailed answered on specific activities and the impact it had on them. For example a student wrote that they had put in the Building Self-Esteem workshop encouraging because they had been victorious in interacting with other pupils and had be numerate more confidence.I was really pleased with the results of this question because it shows that my health campaign. Overall, the questionnaires were helpful in creating my campaign and the impact it had. The planning questionnaire had helped me to get a generalised idea of why and how my target audience are insecure about their body shape and size. The planning questionnaire had also helped me design activities and workshop. I came up with the Mass Media workshop when the pupils had written that they were passing influenced by what they saw on the mass media, which consist of newspapers, magazines, televisions, mobile phones, internet and etc.I wanted to show the pupils that it is perfectly alright to be insecure because it is in human nature to be worried about how we look. This sparked the idea of using celebrities, who are the the great unwashed that most young children look up to. If a celebrity, like Taylor Swift or Adele is insecure then it is perfectly fine to accept h elp from professionals, like the celebrities have done. The feedback questionnaire was useful in giving me an indication how useful my health campaign about body image issues. It had helped me know which of my workshops and assembly was more effective.This was the front assembly and the Mass Media workshop. If I ever discrete to do another body image issues campaign for another year group I can use the results of both questionnaires to help construct the campaign. on that point was no unexpected out behave that was challenging. I had predicted that there would be less insecurity in the end of the campaign compared to before. This is because I had high hopes for the success of the health campaign. The pupils had cooperated efficiently in both workshops and assemblies. In the Building Self-Esteem workshop, the pupils had all taken their roles seriously and had performed extremely well.The outcome for most of people was really good because everyone was ecstatic and participating eff iciently. I remembered resting the pupils playacting in the Building Self-Esteem workshop with their c disorderednish grins and joyful laughter. I was very pleased and blow out of the water at the cheers and the cooperation from pupils and surprisingly teachers. Some teachers did volunteer in the second assembly to share their experience with evaluate themselves. In general, I was glad of how well the campaign had impacted my target audience and some of the teachers and faculty at my school, such as the dinner-ladies.The Head of sixth Form at my school had personally asked me if I was considering doing my campaign again for other year groups. I had considered doing my campaign for students in year eight and ten because when I was in those year groups I was insecure about my body and I had heard that other students are worried about the way they look as well. The teachers that were involved in the campaign had asked some specific questions regarding the campaign and the local callowness unite I attend because I had people from the youth club helping me organise the campaign.I had given them the information about the campaign and the youth club. military rating of the Health Campaign The first assembly was the anterior period where I introduced myself and I informed the children about what would be happening for the rest of the day. I had also explained the importance of body image insecurity and the impact it can have on a person. The student had listened effectively and I had not run out of time. The assembly was insightful to many pupils because it had informed them of what would be the problems of accepting yourself. The second assembly was also a success.However, it was more time consuming because some of the teachers had volunteered willingly to discuss the issues they had experienced with valuing their body shape and size. I did appreciate it and thought it had been a valuable and honorable for the campaign. The Building Self-Esteem workshop wa s effective because the pupils had cooperated effectively. They had performed the terse play as a group and no one was excluded. The workshop did take longer than expected. This might have been because the pupils had performed the activity a little sluggish than anticipated.It wasnt problematic because the groups had performed their play the period before break. This meant that I could take a bit of their break time to make up for the few minutes that was necessary to finish the workshop. The students were not disappointed and were real having fun performing and watching their peers. The cheering of pupils did get out of control. I had to ask them to clap afterwards the play is finished because it was hard to hear the pupils performing. The pupils did number instructions. The Mass Media workshop had gone to plan because the pupils had absent-minded the information.I was not surprised at the success of the Mass Media workshop because I had predicted it to be a realisation. The pupils were clueless about the fact that insecurities of body shape and size can affect anyone. The workshop was fast than the Building Self-Esteem workshop because it had finished on time all group had been successful in completing the travail without any problems. There were a lot of praises from pupils and teachers for the Mass Media workshop. I think this was because the workshop had included people that they I idolise and watch on television.The resources I utilize to promote my campaign were leaflets and posters. I had handed the pupils and the teachers the leaflets at the end of the second assembly. The leaflets had included the presentation from both assembly in order to remind the students of what they had learned on the day. I would want for the pupils to remember what had happened in the campaign and therefore, I would use the leaflets and the label as a way for them to remember. I had placed the posters around my school in the canteen, toilets, corridors and classro oms. I had decided to put the poster up three weeks before the actual campaign.This way the children would be informed of what was happening in a couplet of week. The Head of Sixth Form in my school I had provided me a budget of ?50 to guide on my health campaign. I decided to snuff it the money that was provided by my school on a personalised label from Camaloon. This is because the personalised badge can be a small reminder to my target audience in valuing their body. The badge had said There is No Wrong Way to Have a Body. This quote had helped increase the pupils self-esteem because it would show the children that there is nothing wrong with their body type.The personalised badge had toll ?39. 5 and the quantity is 100, which is helpful because there is 90 students in year seven. The badge had cost ?28. 09, and there was a VAT increase of ?6. 88 and the oral communication charge was ?4. 67, altogether it had cost ?39. 65. I really liked the design because it had attracted both genders and they didnt exclude anybody due to the colours being red and black, which are mutual colours. Boys and girls wont be ashamed to wear the badge. I was given leave from the school to use their account in Camaloon to bring to pass and purchase the badge. I did have to order the badge in advance, just in case of delivery delays.The badges had arrived a week before my health campaign event and I was successful in not spending over the budget. The approach I used for the campaign was commandmental and behavioural. This is because I wanted to teach children in their first year of secondary education to value themselves as a person. I had used the activities to change the pupils behaviours because their self-esteem would increase. This had made the pupils more confident and outspoken. The Building Self-Esteem was an activity that I created to make the children feel valued. Identify that beauty, well-being and strength come in all sizes.Carol Johnson, author of Self-Estee m Comes in all Sizes says that actual beauty includes whats inside, your passion for life, your playful spirit, a smile that illuminates up your face, your sympathy for others. This is a good quote to show that all sizes are beautiful. I want to fate an example of admiration for size diversity. Children naturally come in different sizes and builds and that is fine. I feel that I have met my aims and objectives because the pupils in year seven have cooperated well in the workshop and had told me personally that the campaign was very useful.My aim was to educate young females and males that have just started secondary education into valuing their body. This was because girls and boys in year seven tend to be more insecure about their body compared to other year groups in secondary education. This may be due to puberty or a new environment. Primary schools had a smaller classroom size than high schools. This can make girls and boys that were already cautious about their body changing , more insecure because of a larger peer group subculture. Early or late boxershorts may feel like they are developing differently to their peer groups.My objective was to tackle low self-esteem in preteens in the first year of secondary education by organising a instruction group in the school I attend. I had put the focus group for pupils in year seven only. I had found out if I had accomplished my aim and objective from the feedback questionnaire. The students had given the workshops a high average score (Ive mentioned this on the impact of audience) and had found the campaign to be useful. If I was doing this task again I would like to expand the campaign for pupils in year 8 and so on.This is because low self-esteem and body image issues can go along in other year groups. I would very much like to educate the other years. Unfortunately, my main(prenominal) focus on the campaign was on year seven because that is the starting point for most children. There are some pupils tha t have not been taught why it is important to value your body. I might use a different approach because they would be onetime(a) than my target audience. This might be done by adding another workshop about self-harming and the affect it has a persons health. That might be interest for pupils.